Feeding yourself well amidst rising costs of living

Feeding yourself well amidst rising costs of living

Submitted by Belinda from Talk ED As energy prices rise, we may have to reorganise how we spend our income or earnings. With this in mind, it may be tempting to reduce our spending on food. This may in turn fuel negative habits around restriction and other disordered...

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Reducing food shopping stress

Reducing food shopping stress

Food shopping can be a challenging experience, especially if you experience distress around food and eating. We have put together some tips to bring more ease into your next trip and turn the stress into success!

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Living away from home with an eating disorder

Living away from home with an eating disorder

As the summer draws to a close, thinking about returning to university or going for the first time might seem overwhelming with or without an eating disorder. In this post, we aim to address some of the challenges faced by being in charge of feeding yourself when you’re away from home…

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Navigating calories on menus

Navigating calories on menus

In April of this year, the Government introduced measures requiring large hospitality businesses in England including cafes, restaurants and takeaways to display calorie information on menus. Understandably, there have been many concerns from the eating disorders community…

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Are you worried that you, or a loved one may have an eating disorder? Our Peer Support Team have lived experiences of eating disorders and recovery.

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