diet culture
Resisting new year detoxes and diets

Resisting new year detoxes and diets

Every year we see a huge push in January towards ‘detoxing’, dieting and ‘getting back into shape’. If you struggle with an eating disorder, being bombarded with this type of messaging can feel triggering and uncomfortable. Here, we share some pointers to support you…

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Challenging dysfunctional dieting and diet culture

Challenging dysfunctional dieting and diet culture

Submitted by Belinda from Talk ED Diet culture has been in our society for millennia and can even be traced back to as early as ancient Greek society, where the regulation and moderation of food intake was considered virtuous*. Although beauty standards have changed...

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Are you worried that you, or a loved one may have an eating disorder? Our Peer Support Team have lived experiences of eating disorders and recovery.

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