
Real Stories

Our real stories have been submitted by real people who have recovered and want to share their experiences to provide hope to others that recovery is possible.

We review all stories submitted to us to ensure they don’t contain potentially triggering content. However, as these are personal reflections of experiences with eating disorders – and sometimes other mental health issues – posts may contain themes, topics, and descriptions that you may find difficult or upsetting to read. Please do put your own wellbeing first and if you are feeling vulnerable, scroll past, return another day, or access our support services.

Sophie G’s story

Sophie G’s story

Hey, I am Sophie, I'm 18 years old and fell into eating disorder behaviour around a year ago. I thought: "when I am skinny and muscular, I will be happy". However, I learnt that happiness is not related to our bodies. If someone had told me that I would be happier...

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Isobel’s story

Isobel’s story

As I was growing up, I paid very little attention to my weight and appearance. Despite the bullying at school, it didn’t bother me in the slightest what others thought of my body figure and it certainly never stopped me enjoying my food. Never in a million years did I...

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Olivia’s story

Olivia’s story

I'm Olivia and I am recovering from anorexia. If you are struggling, I hope my story shows that recovery is possible and helps you believe that you deserve to be free from your eating disorder. How it started I first started to develop an unhealthy relationship with...

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Ellie’s story

Ellie’s story

I’m Ellie, and I have recovered from bulimia. The reason I want to share my recovery story is that I have learnt that I did not deserve to fight my eating disorder on my own for so long. I am hoping that learning about my journey will give you some reassurance that no...

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Would you like to tell us your story?

If you have lived experience of an eating disorder or eating distress, whether personally or having supported a loved one, why not share your experience and use your voice to support others who may be going through a difficult time by sharing your story?

Submission guidelines

Share your story

Are you worried that you, or a loved one may have an eating disorder? Our Peer Support Team have lived experiences of eating disorders and recovery.

To talk to someone who understands, book a 1:1 support call, we’re here to help.

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