mental health
Resisting new year detoxes and diets

Resisting new year detoxes and diets

Every year we see a huge push in January towards ‘detoxing’, dieting and ‘getting back into shape’. If you struggle with an eating disorder, being bombarded with this type of messaging can feel triggering and uncomfortable. Here, we share some pointers to support you…

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Preparing for the winter season

Preparing for the winter season

As autumn is now fully upon us and the days are shorter, some of us may struggle more at this time of year. There are some important steps that we can take to try to bolster our state of mind, body and spirit. Here, we share some ideas for how to best prepare…

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Feeding yourself well amidst rising costs of living

Feeding yourself well amidst rising costs of living

Submitted by Belinda from Talk ED As energy prices rise, we may have to reorganise how we spend our income or earnings. With this in mind, it may be tempting to reduce our spending on food. This may in turn fuel negative habits around restriction and other disordered...

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Resisting new year detoxes and diets

Managing conflict within the family

Eating disorder behaviours are irrational and unreasonable, and the potential for conflict is enormous. Unconditional love is demanded even whilst you are being rejected – which means that you will need a lot of empathy for yourself too…

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Are you worried that you, or a loved one may have an eating disorder? Our Peer Support Team have lived experiences of eating disorders and recovery.

To talk to someone who understands, book a 1:1 support call, we’re here to help.

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