Hey, I am Sophie, I'm 18 years old and fell into eating disorder behaviour around a year ago. I thought: "when I am skinny and muscular, I will be happy". However, I learnt that happiness is not related to our bodies. If someone had told me that I would be happier...
Dealing with feelings of guilt and shame
Guilt and shame are common feelings in eating disorders and can lead to complicated emotions and thought patterns. Most people with an eating disorder will experience strong feelings of guilt when it comes to eating…
Resisting new year detoxes and diets
Every year we see a huge push in January towards ‘detoxing’, dieting and ‘getting back into shape’. If you struggle with an eating disorder, being bombarded with this type of messaging can feel triggering and uncomfortable. Here, we share some pointers to support you…
Guest interview with Daniel: Preparing for the festive season
The festive season can feel like a daunting time, especially if you have an eating disorder. There can often be a greater focus on food, mealtimes and eating in general. Added to this, spending time with family members can be stressful especially if it’s the first...
Are you worried that you, or a loved one may have an eating disorder? Our Peer Support Team have lived experiences of eating disorders and recovery.
To talk to someone who understands, book a 1:1 support call, we’re here to help.