We work with the media to help raise awareness of eating disorders and the impact of these serious and complex mental illnesses; to remove the stigma and misconceptions associated with eating disorders; and to discuss the issues faced by the eating disorder community in the UK.
Responsible reporting of eating disorders
The media has an important role to play in quashing eating disorder stereotypes. Through responsible, ethical and accurate reporting, we would like to see:
- Representation of all types of eating disorder – not just anorexia , but also binge eating disorder , bulimia , ARFID and OSFED
- Inclusion of the voices of all those affected; people of any age, gender identity, weight, body shape, cultural background and sexuality, as well as those who care for them such as partners/spouses, parents and siblings
- No details which may be triggering, or inspire copycat behaviour, such as weight, BMI, amounts of food, calories, or specific habits
- No before and after photographs, or images showing people in an emaciated condition
For more information on reporting accurately, ethically and responsibility:
Case studies
If you’re a journalist looking for case studies for your eating disorder article, please get in touch . Please note – we have a duty of care towards those affected by an eating disorder who may agree to feature as a case study or interviewee. Some questions to bear in mind when seeking case studies, to ensure that we can match the most appropriate person:
- Do you need them to be identified by their real name, or can they remain anonymous?
- Do you need a photo of the person?
- What is your angle? Are you looking for a person with specific experience or perspective?
- Are you looking to contact the person directly, or are you willing to go through Talk ED?
Media contact
For comments, please get in touch with our team.