Spotlight on…SWEDA

From helping someone to make sense of their worries around food, eating and body image to providing treatment in a clinical setting; from raising awareness to help reduce stigma to campaigning for policy change. It takes a community to come together to do all of these things – and everything in between.  Across the UK, there are individuals, charities and professionals collectively working to meet the needs of those affected by eating disorders, and we are proud to be part of this supportive community.  In this regular feature we bring you details of those doing great work to make a difference for those affected by eating disorders.

Today, we shine the light on Somerset and Wessex Eating Disorders Association (SWEDA).

SWEDA is a regional charity supporting those affected by eating disorders across Somerset and the surrounding area.

Set up in 1992 by a group of sufferers and carers, SWEDA provides a range of services for people struggling with, or caring for someone with anorexia, bulimia, compulsive eating, binge eating disorder and all related conditions. SWEDA’s approach is ‘pro-recovery’, and their experienced and qualified team seek to enable and empower people to improve their mental and physical health and wellbeing, thereby enriching their overall quality of life.

SWEDA’s services include information, guidance, training, and support including:

  • Helpline twice a week
  • Counselling services
  • Monthly self-help support groups
  • Training and presentations for health professionals and GPs
  • Support to students aged 16+ in all colleges and sixth forms across Somerset


SWEDA is user-led and based on the principles of self-help. At the heart of the organisation is a commitment to ensure that people who have lived experience of eating disorders are actively encouraged to contribute to the development and delivery of the service.

Get in touch with SWEDA
If you live in Somerset or Wessex and need help in your local area

Website: https://www.swedauk.org
Helpline: 0300 330 5464 (available 11am-2pm on Sundays and 8pm-11pm on Tuesdays)
Email: support@swedauk.org


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