Sophie G’s story

Sophie G’s story

Hey, I am Sophie, I’m 18 years old and fell into eating disorder behaviour around a year ago. I thought: “when I am skinny and muscular, I will be happy”. However, I learnt that happiness is not related to our bodies. If someone had told me that I...
Ways to support your recovery this Spring

Ways to support your recovery this Spring

Well it’s official – Spring is finally here after what seems like a long, dark and cold Winter. Springtime is a season full of change, and here we provide some tips and strategies to support your recovery through this season. Spring cleaning The act of clearing...
Battling an eating disorder during Ramadan

Battling an eating disorder during Ramadan

Submitted by Ayesha Ramadan is a holy month in Islam where practicing Muslims connect with their religion by fasting from sunrise to sunset for thirty consecutive days. Many people believe the most important part of Ramadan is fasting, but it is just as important to...