
Take part in research

Are you a right-handed female aged between 18-25,  years with a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa?

Jenny Leppanen- King’s College London

I would like to invite you to take part in study that seeks to understand the role of social cognition in anorexia nervosa. Based on personal stories by people with lived experience of anorexia nervosa, we have developed a set of new tasks assessing behavioural and brain responses associated with key aspects of social cognition. The study involves completing questionnaires, computerised tasks and undergoing an MRI scan.

For more information, please visit: https://www.callforparticipants.com/study/L8DOZ/social-cognition-in-anorexia-nervosa

This study has been reviewed and given favourable opinion by London – South East Research Ethics Committee (REC number: 21/LO/0368 )

Please note that any research opportunities featured are not connected to Talk ED and inclusion does not represent endorsement of the project. Talk ED does not accept responsibility for any aspect of the research or data collected.